Sunday morning
Sunday evening
10.30 am
6.00 pm
Lord's Supper
All who are trusting in Christ alone for their salvation and are walking in obedient fellowship with Him are welcome to take part in the Lord's Supper.
Morning: 1st Sunday of the month
Evening: 3rd Sunday of the month
Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Each Tuesday evening at 7.00 pm we meet for Bible study and prayer. Several times during the year visiting speakers (usually representing missionary organisations) attend these meetings. We have an interest in (in alphabetical order) the Albanian Evangelical Mission, Asia Link, the European Mission Fellowship, the Open-Air Mission, Open Doors, Pastor Training International, Pilgrim Homes, Slavic Gospel Association. MERF (Middle East Reformed Fellowship) and TASTE (Clean water & sanitary education in Nigeria).
Fellowship Lunch
Most months, on the fourth Sunday after the morning service, we have a fellowship lunch and you are very welcome to join us. We operate on a bring and share basis; although not everyone brings something, and there is no obligation to do so.
Ladies Together
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month @10.30am - 11.30am, for fellowship, Bible study and prayer – a time for ladies to encourage and support each other.
Coffee Plus
Pop in for Coffee Plus on the third Friday of each month between 10.30am and 12noon. Hot and cold drinks plus homemade cakes and an activity table for children.
A warm welcome awaits you.